Renewed Virginity

Should I Consider “Renewed” Virginity?

Even if you have been sexually active, it is possible to regain the advantages of purity.

Your past is past. Maybe you made some mistakes. Haven’t we all? Let’s deal with today. For starters, you should set up an appointment with your doctor. Be honest and tell your physician about your sexual history so he or she has the information they need to properly care for you. You’re no longer a virgin. But renewed virginity is about second chances. And you’ve got one right now.

Isn’t it time to make the most of your second chance?

12 steps to help me keep my pledge for renewed virginity and regain real sexual freedom:

  • Date only those who respect you and agree with your pledge.
  • Go on group dates instead of single dating.
  • No drugs or alcohol—you ALMOST ALWAYS end up doing something you regret.
  • No co-ed sleepovers! No bedrooms “to just talk”!
  • Make someone your best friend who shares your decision.
  • Be prepared to say NO and stand up for your decision.
  • Think ahead of time where you won’t go and what you won’t do.
  • Date only those your own age.
  • Stay in public places.
  • Plan out your time so there won’t be “empty time.”
  • Think and work on your future goals.

Sources: “Sex. Been There. Done That. Now What?”, The Medical Institute; and “Is There Real ‘Safe Sex’?”, Teen-Aid, Inc. Used by permission.